Learning the Paths to Peace Through a Unique Global Program

Students interested in global security studies travel to Armenia as part of Stonehill’s LION program.

Program Overview

The Political Science & International Studies Department offers a major with five specialized pathways:

  • Law & Social Justice
  • Global Security
  • Power & Persuasion
  • Politics around the World
  • Public Policy & Public Service

Each pathway is built around connections between theory and practice and draw upon academically rigorous courses and closely mentored domestic or international internships. The department’s professors work closely with our students to ensure their choice fits their interests and aspirations.

In our Political Science & International Studies program, a tremendous amount of attention is also given to building relationships. Students have the opportunity to participate in the Hill to Hill networking program, which includes networking opportunities on Beacon Hill and a week-long excursion to Capitol Hill, where current students meet with Stonehill alums and others to network.

Minors in Political Science & International Studies and Public Policy are also offered.

The Political Science & International Studies Major

The Political Science & International Studies major starts with the prerequisite course American Government and Politics, which offers an introduction to the institutions and participants in American politics and explores the development of institutions and ideas from the founding era along with the impact of citizens and groups on political behavior.

As Stonehill College students progress through the program, they will dig deeper into topics such as American government, political theory and international relations. 

Students select from among five pathways: Law & Social Justice, Global Security, Power & Persuasion, Politics around the World, and Public Policy & Public Service. 

Political Science & International Studies Minors

The minor in Political Science & International Studies requires the completion of six courses.

At Stonehill, Public Policy is an interdisciplinary minor designed to provide students with an understanding of the development and implementation of public policy in America. The program focuses on the theories, practices and roles of public bureaucracies at the national, state and local levels. The program is structured to cover five subject matter areas:

  • The political, social and economic environment of public organizations
  • Policy analysis
  • Processes of management
  • Tools of analysis
  • Individual, group and organizational behavior.

The Public Policy minor provides a foundation for graduate work and careers in public affairs, government service, law and related fields.

The Martin Institute for Law & Society

Stonehill’s Martin Institute seeks to prepare the students for leadership positions as active citizens in service to an improved human community. It is committed to a curriculum and co-curriculum that bridges theory and practice, inviting student curiosity in and engagement with the pressing issues of the day.

Martin Institute resources include:

Recent Accolades

Organizations involved in assessing U.S. colleges and universities continually cite Stonehill as being among the best in the nation when it comes to value, outcomes and a commitment to making the world a better place. See full list of accolades.

Sample Political Science & International Studies Courses

American Government and Politics

The primary goal of this introductory course is to provide a broad understanding of governmental institutions and political behavior in the United States. This course covers the development of institutions and ideas from the founding era, the interaction among institutions and between the levels of government in the formulation and implementation of public policy, and the impact of citizens and groups on the American political system.

Dirty Hands: Moral Dilemmas

Government & Politics Elective
The difficult “problem of dirty hands” that is making morally unpalatable choices when confronting mutually exclusive and competing ethical claims. Works of modern political philosophy and classic literature explore some possible responses to such problems.

Global Wealth, Power and Poverty

Required International Relations Course
The course examines the global clash and coexistence between states and markets. It explores sources of poverty and inequality in developing world. As a political economy course, it investigates globalization of trade, finance and production. Study of global policy tools to address poverty and promote growth in an increasingly global world concludes the course. An emphasis is placed on the World Bank, the IMF and multinational corporations in world politics and economy.

Conflict Analysis and Resolution

Public Policy Elective
The course examines sources and types of conflict and conditions of sustainable peace between and within communities or states. It also surveys the research on implementation and efficacy of third party interventions in such conflicts as used by international and regional organizations and great powers. Tools examined include arbitration, mediation, negotiation and dialogue groups. Specific protracted conflicts will be investigated.

By the Numbers

The Political Science & International Studies Department is committed to providing comprehensive and deep knowledge of the field of politics through rigorous reading, writing and research. And it shows in the success of our students.

Class of 2018 Placement Rate

92% of Class of 2018 Political Science & International Studies graduates are employed, in graduate programs or engaged in postgraduate service six months after graduation.

Political Science & International Studies Graduate Outcomes

Our alumni graduate from top law schools, pursue scholarly careers as Ph.D’s, work on Capitol Hill and Beacon Hill and on state and national political campaigns, teach in Massachusetts and around the nation and travel the world to experience new cultures. Continue exploring where our graduates work.

The sense of community that I always had here is one of the things I remember the most. It was not hard to fall in love with Stonehill. It gave me the education I needed to do what I do today.

Experiential Learning Opportunities

Stonehill In Washington

Stonehill allows students of all majors to live and work in the nation's capital for an entire semester through the Stonehill in Washington program. This 15-credit program is open to all majors and all Stonehill tuition and financial aid apply. Learn more.

Learning Inside Out Network (LION)

The LION (Learning Inside Out Network) program is an intensive international internship and research opportunity for students interested in the theory and practice of global security. The program builds on courses in security studies, conflict analysis and resolution, global crime, international criminal justice, human security, and international development through a semester-long international internship experience with an NGO, think tank or media organization in Armenia or Serbia.

Stonehill Undergraduate Research Experience

Students who have completed their first year at Stonehill perform significant, publishable, full-time research in collaboration with an experienced faculty researcher.

Senior Honors Thesis

Seniors can apply to produce a thesis based on an independent research project of their own design and consisting of substantial original research. This can showcase research design skills critical for applying to graduate school, scholarships such as the Fulbright and research positions.

Outside Partnerships & Special Programs

Stonehill College has developed academic affiliations with colleges and universities that enable our students to augment the degree they earn at Stonehill with graduate and undergraduate degrees that further enhance their opportunities.

Save Money: Earn Two Degrees in as Little as Four Years

The Skyhawk Accelerated Dual Degree allows Stonehill students to earn a bachelor's degree and master's degree from Stonehill College in as little as four years. Eligible students receive early and expedited admission to their graduate program of interest and can begin working toward a master's degree in education, data analytics or marketing. Stonehill students also receive 20% off for remaining graduate tuition through the Skyhawk Rate.


Learn More About Our Political Science & International Studies Program

  • Internships & Opportunities

    All Political Science & International Studies students must complete an internship during their course of study

  • Why Political Science?

    Learn more about your career options with a Political Science & International Studies degree from Stonehill.

  • Graduate Outcomes

    Our alumni graduate from top law schools, pursue myriad careers, teach and travel the world to experience new cultures.

Contact Information

Robert R. Rodgers

Professor of Practice in Political Science & International Studies, Political Science & International Studies Department Chair, Pre-Law Advisor
Political Science & Intl Relat