Spiritual Life
As a Stonehill student, you’ll find many opportunities to express and nurture your faith. We welcome students of all religious traditions and actively seek to foster a culture where differences – and commonalities – are embraced and openly shared.

As a Catholic institution in the Holy Cross tradition, our goal is to provide a place for robust conversations about the things that matter most to us.
When Blessed Father Basil Moreau founded the Congregation of Holy Cross, his educational philosophy centered on instilling in students the competence to see and the courage to act. Our programs are anchored by the moral imperative that compels us to live peacefully in a global community, and our students are encouraged to grow spiritually, challenge injustice and promote peace.
Service & Outreach
The idea of making the world a better place is ingrained in the Holy Cross tradition and is an intrinsic element of the Stonehill experience. Each year, students provide more than 40,000 hours of community service. Making things happen in a hands-on way fosters the kind of growth you cannot experience anywhere else.
Community Engagement
Stonehill’s L.I.G.H.T. Community Engagement Program brings students beyond the boundaries of our campus. Our largest volunteer initiative, this student-led program engages in meaningful community service with more than 35 local agencies.
Student Clubs and Organizations
Stonehill has a number of student-led clubs and organizations that center on service and volunteering.
H.O.P.E. Service Immersion Program
Our H.O.P.E. Service Immersion Program offers students the opportunity to travel to various domestic and international sites to engage in a week of service and cross-cultural exchange.
Celebration & Worship
Chapel Choir
Sacramental Preparation
Liturgical Ministers
Spiritual Companionship
Everyone needs guidance from time to time. If you need someone to talk to during your time at Stonehill, you won’t have to look very far.
Hall Chaplains
Hall Chaplains are Holy Cross priests and brothers who live among the Stonehill student community. They provide a ministry of presence and offer pastoral care and spiritual programming in the residence halls.
Campus Ministers
In addition to the Holy Cross religious on campus, Campus Ministers are available to meet with students to discuss personal growth, spiritual direction, and any other personal topic. Campus Ministers also serve the Stonehill community as directors of major campus ministry programs, prayer services, liturgy, as well as provide pastoral care and assistance in times of transition and trauma.
Student Ministers
Named for Blessed Father Basil Moreau, founder of the Congregation of Holy Cross, Moreau Student Ministers support the student body by creating a welcoming environment, strengthening faith groups, and serving as a conduit to spiritual resources on campus.
Visit Campus Ministry
Campus Ministry offers a vibrant combination of liturgical life, retreat life, faith formation, service opportunities and sacramental initiation. As students worship God, serve the common good and reflect on the action of God in the world, they attend to the deepest and most authentic part of themselves, integrating spiritual life within the rich tradition of a Catholic education.