• Heard on the Hill

    Check out the bird boxes on campus as well as other notable tidbits, quotes, and photos of life on or around Stonehill during this past winter and spring.

  • Quick Chat

    Vice President for Advancement Doug Smith shares what gets him up in the morning and why giving is important to Stonehill.

  • Goose Troupe

    The Goose Troupe, Stonehill's improv group, keeps people laughing. "It takes a lot of quick thinking and wit," says Jessica Nicol ’21, club president.

Guitar Hits

For her Photography in the Time of COVID course, Sarah "Kathryn" Christiansen ’24 captures her brother playing guitar while in quarantine.

Thank you

For joining us on May 13 as the College unveiled TO BE BOLD, a $75 million campaign that invests in our future.