Psychology Peer Groups

Psychology Peer Mentoring
The Psychology Peer Mentoring program forms connections between first-year psychology students and psychology majors who are further along in the program.
Psychology Peer Mentors are leaders who are passionate about psychology and want to assist first-year students in their transition into the major and to the College.
They are available to answer questions, connect first-year students to resources (tutoring, Psych Society, etc.), identify supports (professors, counseling, advisors, etc.) within and outside the department, and introduce students to various social groups/ clubs that Stonehill has to offer.
Mentors gain valuable professional development experience, training in mental health and diversity, and a chance help grow and support our community.
We know that in addition to the regular stress and isolation of transitioning to college, some first-year students may have backgrounds, identities, and experiences that may make them feel disconnected, stressed, or unsure about where to find others with similar unique viewpoints and experiences. The Psychology Peer Mentoring program is committed to the college’s goals of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and serves to help all students find a voice and a place within the Psychology Department. Have questions? Send us an email.
Psychology Society
The purpose of the Psychology Society is to unify psychology majors in order to promote communication between students and faculty, and between students and the surrounding community.
In addition, the Society enhances students’ awareness of future options (i.e., career and post-graduate work) via meetings and presentations, and also serves as a social atmosphere where students and faculty can meet informally.
All psychology majors of Stonehill College and any interested undeclared students can request membership via email.
Sample Events
- Careers in Psychology Information Session
- Graduate School Information Session
- Internships Information Session
- Pre-Registration information exchange
- Travel to psychology conferences
- Barbecue with faculty and students
- Co-Sponsor Psychology Student Poster Presentations
- New England Psychological Association
Psychology Society is one of the most beneficial ways to learn about what type of classes are being offered, news from the department, and even updates on certain research.
Faculty Advisor - Psychology Society