Editor’s Pick

Editor’s Pick is a manually curated, reusable component tied to an article content type—allowing you to promote and feature editorial content in a less prominent way than the Article Feature component. This component is best positioned towards the bottom of the page. Use it to promote highlights of the editorial hub, group two featured stories that highlight similar topics, or group stories that reflect the duality of Stonehill's approach to education. You can use this component as a supporting point for interior pages or to encourage further engagement with editorial hubs.

On Article Detail templates, the Editor’s Pick component will have a fixed placement at the bottom of the page (can choose Related Articles as well) so that Share Tools can be optimally placed.

You can manually add and configure this component on pages or add it as a reusable component in modules by a specific topic or category—that way when you want to update it, you can do it in Reusuable Callouts module.

Content elements:

  • Section label—required
  • Article card—select from the list of published articles, will pull article thumbnail image or a placeholder, article label, and article intro.