Amanda Nagim-Williams talks about teaching her IDEAS course Many Cultures, One Stonehill.

Why participate in IDEAS?

IDEAS is a great way to distinguish yourself as a leader among your peers.

By teaching an IDEAS course, you take on the opportunity to explore and influence Stonehill’s academic curriculum. Throughout the program, you expand and practice your leadership skills.

IDEAS is a highly marketable experience!

Participating in the program is a huge resume boost as student-instructors build career-ready skills such as teamwork, critical thinking, creative problem solving and leadership.

In IDEAS you challenge yourself in a fun and creative way.

By exploring a topic you are deeply interested in and building a flexible and student-centered course, you create a highly fulfilling experience for you and your students!

IDEAS student-instructors can earn up to four elective credits

In the fall, instructors enroll or audit in the 1-credit course IND 300: Building IDEAS: Pedagogy for Student-Instructors. During spring semester students teach their course and must also enroll or audit the 3-credit course IND 333: Democratic Education Seminar.

Contact Information

Shane Savage-Rumbaugh

Professor of Studio Arts
Visual and Performing Arts