Welcome back from spring break! We hope you all had a wonderful time and returned to campus relaxed and refreshed for the final push. 

With just eight weeks to go until the start of final exams, the library is adding some items to our collection that will help you during the upcoming flurry of presentation preparation, paper writing, and studying for exams.

Thanks to the generous support of the Student Affairs Office’s Wellness Initiative Fund, we’ve purchased a supply of stress-reducing foam rollers and mood-boosting happy lights to add to our Library of Things. Located on the first floor of MacPhaidin Library, the Library of Things has a variety of items for work, rest, and relaxation.

In addition to the newest purchases, the Library of Things has a variety of self-care devices, including a white noise machine and noise cancelling headphones. We also have other items that will help you relax – electronic gaming systems, board games, outdoor games, craft materials, and cooking supplies. All items in the Library of Things can be checked out for one week by students, faculty, and staff.

If you have any additional ideas for items to add to our Library of Things or wellness initiatives you’d like to see at the library, feel free to email us at librarydeskgroup@stonehill.edu.