Featured Stories:

  • Goodbye, Seniors!: Library staff always find it difficult to say goodbye to our many student workers who are graduating. This year, we asked our senior student workers to tell us a bit about their post-graduation plans and reflect on their fond memories of MacPhaidin Library.
  • Summer Reading Recommendations: Happy Summer! We hope your down time offers you the chance to enjoy a good book on the beach or by the lake. Check out our recommended summer reads from MacPhaidin Library staff members and student workers.
  • Interns Wanted: If you think summer is a great time to search for internships that can give you valuable experience and bolster your resume, look no further. In July, the MacPhaidin library will open the search for qualified candidates to join our Web and Social Media Team. 

Additional Stories:

  • LibGuide of the Month – Zotero & Zoterobib: Zotero is an application that collects, manages, and cites research sources. It's easy to use and connects with your web browser to download citation information from books, journal articles, web pages, and other sources. ZoteroBib is a fast citation generator that is similar to (but in our experience, more accurate and reliable than) tools such as EasyBib and NoodleTools. Best of all, both are free!  Visit our Zotero & Zoterobib LibGuide to learn how to use these tools, and finish the semester strong!
  • Make an Appointment with a Librarian: Librarians are here to help you, whether you are on campus or off.  Use our easy LibCal system to book your appointment.
  • SOAR: Stonehill showcases student and faculty work in the college’s new digital repository, SOAR. Check out some of the documents that are in the repository on the library home page.
  • Follow us on Instagram, like us on Facebook, and visit our Pinterest page!