May is always a joyful and melancholy time at the library. The staff enjoys sharing students’ elation at wrapping up the semester and heading off on summer break. But we also find it difficult to say goodbye to our many student workers who are graduating. This year, we asked our student workers to tell us a bit about their post-graduation plans and reflect on their fond memories of MacPhaidin Library. We are grateful to those who took the time to respond and wish all our graduating seniors success, health, and happiness. 

Name: Sarah Bua
Hometown: Oakland, New Jersey
Major: Criminology and Psychology 
Post-Graduation Plans: “I'm currently looking for jobs and hoping to land one soon!” 
How Long Have You Worked at the Library: Four years!
Favorite Library Memory/Spot/Relationship: “My favorite library study spot is the big chairs near the windows on the left side of the library. The natural lighting keeps me awake! “ 

Name: Rob Chisholm
Hometown: Tewksbury, MA
Major: Accounting w/ Data Analytics Minor
Post-Graduation Plans: “Pass my CPA exams and work at RSM fulltime”
How Long Have You Worked at the Library: 3 years
Favorite Library Memory/Spot/Relationship: “My friends visiting me at work.” 

Name: Kiley Concannon
Hometown: Whitman, MA
Major: Neuroscience with a Data Analytics Minor
Post-Graduation Plans: “To start working as a research assistant in a neuroscience lab, ideally working with children with autism. Eventually, I would like to get my PhD in neuroscience focusing on the development of communicative behaviors in children with autism.”
How Long Have You Worked at the Library: I have worked at the library since my freshman year, so four years!
Favorite Library Memory/Spot/Relationship: “My favorite library memories include my morning chats with Amy, visits at the desk with my best friends, strawberry refreshers from Donna, and studying for finals until midnight in study room 212 with Marianne. 😊" 

Name: Carolyn Deal
Hometown: Weymouth, MA
Major: Criminology 
Post-Graduation Plans: “Traveling and then applying for jobs in criminal justice.” 
How Long Have You Worked at the Library: I have worked at the MacPhaidin Library for 3 years. 
Favorite Library Memory/Spot/Relationship: “My favorite Library spot is the table directly in front of the Desk on the 1st  floor. I have made many memories, over the years, but my favorite would have to be getting to know the library staff more while working with them during the summer.” 

Name: Meghan Flynn
Hometown: Portland, Connecticut
Major: Psychology and Elementary Education 
Post-Graduation Plans: “I plan to attend graduate school to get my masters in Literacy.”
How Long Have You Worked at the Library: I have worked at the library for 4 years.
Favorite Library Memory/Spot/Relationship: “My favorite memory at the library is always seeing one of my favorite coworkers and catch up on our busy weeks!” 

Name: Antony Hanna
Hometown: Natick, MA
Major: Neuroscience
Post-Graduation Plans: “EMT job and studying for the MCAT.”
How Long Have You Worked at the Library: 4 Years
Favorite Library Memory/Spot/Relationship: “I loved speaking to Seamus and hearing his stories and interesting humor. Always a pleasure chatting with Amy, Jennifer, Marcie, and Uma. Glad I could experience the library dynamic between all the staff!” 

Name: Kenzie Mannone
Hometown: Lunenburg, MA
Majors: Sociology and Criminology
Post-Graduation Plans: “Continue working at a restaurant in my hometown while I apply for jobs”
How Long Have You Worked at the Library: 2 years (Junior and Senior Year)
Favorite Library Memory/Spot/Relationship: “My favorite thing about the library is getting to know all my co-workers, the reference librarians, and Seamus! My day gets brighter when I get to talk to all of them and I have loved getting to know them over the past 2 years. I will definitely miss everyone here, but I am hoping to come back and visit post-grad.” 

Name: Megan Swezey
Hometown: Plainville, MA
Majors: Special Education and Dance
Post-Graduation Plans: “After graduation, I hope to secure a special education teaching position for the 2024-2025 school year. I will also be teaching dance on the side.”
How Long Have You Worked at the Library: 3 years
Favorite Library Memory/Spot/Relationship: “My favorite library memory would have to be working the Saturday morning shifts with weekend staff Harriet and Andrew.  During football games, we would visit the tailgate and see what food we could get from all the families.  We had a blast interacting with all the Skyhawks fans when they came in the library to use the bathrooms.” 

Name: Matthew Ward
Hometown: Clinton, MA
Majors: Criminology, Communication minor
Post-Graduation Plans: “Become a Massachusetts State Trooper”
How Long Have You Worked at the Library: 4 years
Favorite Library Memory/Spot/Relationship: “My favorite library memory would probably be helping a student on how to register for classes. I remember being a freshman and when it came time to pick out and register for classes for the first time, it took a while for me to figure it out. The process can kind of be a lot to wrap your head around the first time you do it so being able to help a new student through it was rewarding.”