This page is an explanation of the full HillSearch record for individual items. Below is a key for the different elements of a record you will see:

Screen shot of full record display in HillSearch

  1. Title and principal author(s) of the materials.

  2. Book cover. (Our copy may not always be the same color or design.)

  3. Author of material as a link; if chosen, this will display other materials in the library by that person.

  4. Location – indicates where in MacPháidín Library the material is located or if it is in another campus location (Archives, Teaching and Learning Center, etc.

  5. Status is an indicator of whether the material should be in its location or if it already checked out by someone, or if it for Library Use only.  AVAILABLE materials can be checked out by Stonehill community members.

  6. Details include notes about various aspects of the material and sometimes includes contents notes.

  7. The Subject fields display the standard subject headings used to describe the material.  They are each a search link and choosing one will show you other materials in those subject areas.

  8. Community tags can be added to the record if you are Logged in as a Stonehill community member.  You can enter a term or phrase that can be helpful to others interested in this topic or to group members working on a class project. After the tag is added, it can be searched and found easily.  Log in to your account see your tags.

  9. Search Results on the right of the screen allow you to scroll between multiple records in your results list.

  10. View in classic catalog allows you to see the record in the previous version of the catalog of Stonehill library materials. The Classic Catalog is still available for searching.

  11. Explore allows you to use the current search term to view journal articles in some of the general subject area databases that are otherwise found on the Databases page

MacPhaidin Library provides informational resources that support the College's academic programs. Its goal is to provide faculty and students with the material and services needed for effective teaching, learning and research.