Your support can help us with study abroad programs, undergraduate student research, Faculty development programs, new scientific equipment and much more.


Stonehill Undergraduate Research Experience

Established in 1996, the highly-successful SURE Program provides students with an opportunity to perform significant, publishable research under the guidance of an experienced faculty researcher. This early research experience gives students a competitive advantage in graduate and professional school and in post-college employment opportunities.

SURE grants are awarded based on a competitive application process. The purpose of the SURE Program is to enhance learning opportunities for students by encouraging collaboration between students and faculty while undertaking a scholarly endeavor. The experience, available in all disciplines, helps to solidify and define students' career choices—both through graduate school decisions and in post-college employment.

Graduate School Access Awards

With the objective of supporting Stonehill students who aspire to attend graduate school, we are making available Graduate School Access Awards.

These funds, which are made available through the generous support of donors to the College,are available to students to defray the costs associated with the graduate school search and selection process.


Integrating Democratic Education at Stonehill (IDEAS) is an innovative, interdisciplinary program in which students teach courses for and with their peers. Each IDEAS class also has a faculty/staff mentor to provide a support network as the student facilitators design their course and create a welcoming, enthusiastic academic culture for themselves and their peers.

Allyson Sheckler Venture Grant

The Allyson Sheckler Venture Grant supports any current Junior or Senior Visual and Performing Arts major* in the development of original research or creative project that culminates in a public performance, exhibition, or presentation. Funds can support research costs, travel expenses, and material supplies. The grantee must complete the work before May of their Senior year.

Allyson Sheckler’s intellectual curiosity and her commitment to the study of Art and Art History is the epitome of what the department of Visual and Performing Arts asks of their students. Her leadership and mentorship of the department should be celebrated by encouraging students to approach their studies with the same seriousness and sense of adventure that she brought into the classroom.

*Studio art, arts administration, visual studies, graphic design, dance, theater, or music.