Internship FAQs
If you have a double major, you may be able to do a six-credit internship and get credit for both subjects. Art history, political science, business and communication majors have been particularly successful in combining their internships. Talk to each department’s internship director to coordinate your requirements.
1) Once pre-registration is over, the departmental internship director will call a general meeting of all who pre-registered for the course and will speak to all the interns as a group. She will then meet individually with you to discuss your options and to help you ascertain where you might want to apply.
2) Make an appointment with the director of internships in the Placement Office of Cushing-Martin who will assess your interests and give you pointers about how to use the internship website.
3) Prepare your cover letter and resume. See samples in the booklet; the departmental internship director will help you write a suitable draft; this is the most difficult part of the process.
4) Once you have your materials ready, apply widely, shoot high, give it your all and you’ll land a placement that’s really exciting.
Sure, some Stonehill students have landed paying internships.
No. Stonehill needs to approve internships and review internship sites before you begin the work.
Speak over the problems with the faculty member; talk to your “boss” at the internship site; use your imagination (and the instructor will help you there too) to urge the site director to give you more interesting work. Most internship supervisors really are interested in showing you the ropes. But, on occasion, they’re too busy to plan, so you have to learn to speak up. You also need to learn (and this is true of any job) that work is work; that’s why it’s called work and not play.
Many Stonehill interns have found that their internships became actual jobs. You will (by the end of the internship) have forged a solid relationship with your internship on-site supervisor. That supervisor will be more than happy to help you find a job. That’s what “networking” is about.