Underclass Residence Halls

Alcohol is not permitted at any time in the following residence halls: Boland, Corr, Holy Cross Center, O'Hara Hall, O'Hara Village, Pilgrim Heights Village and Villa Theresa Hall

Upper-Class Residence Halls

Alcohol is permitted in Colonial & Commonwealth Courts, Pilgrim Heights & Bogan Hall suites if the following criteria are met:

  • A bedroom is permitted to have alcohol in the bedroom if 50% of the occupants are 21 or over.
  • Students who are not 21 are not able to consume alcohol at any time despite permission that is granted to individual room occupants
  • A house/suite is permitted to have alcohol in the common area when sixty percent (60%) of the residents of a house/suite are 21 years of age or older and all members of the house/suite attend the required trainings as published by Residence Life at the start of each academic year. 

Common Area Alcohol Use Adjustment

When a house/suite has met the necessary criteria, alcohol can be consumed in all common areas including the lounge and kitchen. When an adjustment occurs, a house/suite loses this ability. The length of time which a house/suite can be adjusted can vary. Typically, an adjustment period is a minimum of four weeks but can last up to the remainder of the academic year. The length of an adjustment period is at the discretion of the Residence Life office.

  • Frequent warnings and single documentations to a house/suite
  • Bias related incidents
  • Quiet Hours or Noise violations
  • Damage or vandalism
  • Fire Safety violations
  • Violations of the alcohol use policy, including alcohol evaluations and transports.
  • Physical or verbal assaults that occur within or outside of a house/suite
  • Violations of the Furniture Policy (including placing furniture or other Stonehill property outside of the building)
  • Illegal access to roofs or ledges
  • A common area being over capacity 
  • Other violations of the Community Standards and Residence Life Policies

When a house/suite has participated in an action that may warrant an adjustment, the house/suite can expect contact from the Residence Life office via email. Further disciplinary action against individuals or the house/suite as a whole may be necessary based on the nature of the violation.

The type of violation will be a factor in the outcome and the length of the adjustment. In addition to loss of privileges surrounding alcohol, repeat offenses can result in weekend restrictions, educational sanctions and administrative relocation of housing assignments. Decisions pertaining to these types of violations are final and there is no appeals process.

Duffy Academic Center – 145

The Office of Residence Life is dedicated to providing students a supportive and inclusive living environment that enhances their Stonehill experience. Students can select from a wide range of living options at Stonehill, ranging from traditional corridor style halls to suites and townhouses, to single-gender residence halls.