The United States celebrates National Time Management Month annually, in February.  It is a timely observance, as many Americans spend the first month of the new year trying, sometimes unsuccessfully, to stick to their resolutions.  Here are some concrete steps you can take to ensure that you manage your time effectively and accomplish your goals.

Categorize and Prioritize Tasks

Make a list of the tasks that need to be completed.  Are they academic obligations, family commitments, employment responsibilities, or social activities?  Once you’ve assigned each task to a category, prioritize the tasks in order of importance.  Which tasks need to be addressed immediately, and which can be dealt with at a later date?

Create a Schedule and Stick to it

Use a calendar, planner, or online app to create a schedule of when tasks will be completed.  Treat the items on your schedule as things that must get done, and stick to your plan.  When you can, start tasks early to avoid the stress of procrastination.

Set Aside Time to Take Breaks

As important as it is to schedule time to complete tasks, it is equally important to make time to take frequent, short breaks.  During your breaks, step away from your work and indulge in a brief, relaxing activity.  Return to your work once your break is complete.

Avoid Distractions

Steer clear of your phone, social media, and anything else that easily distracts you.  Focus solely on the task at hand to manage your time effectively.

Ask for Help When Needed

If, even after following the steps above, you’re still having trouble completing tasks in a timely manner, ask for help!  Delegate errands to friends and family, when possible.  For academic assignments, seek help from the experts!  Librarians are available to help with research and the CWAA can assist with academic writing assignments.

In addition, the Counseling Services office offers a wealth of services including a 24-hour crisis line, individual counseling, and a variety of self-help resources. The Wellness Office also has compiled a variety of resources to support the Stonehill Community.