Links to the Legislative Branch

  • U.S. Senate Home Page
    Includes the schedule of the Senate, committee assignments, roll call votes, a schedule of committee hearing and information on what activity took place on the Senate floor. There is also a link arranged by state to connect with an individual Senator's web sites. You can learn about the history of the Senate, and take a virtual tour of the Capitol.
  • U.S. House of Representatives Home Page
    Includes live video of House proceeding and featured videos, legislative activity, House overview, Representative directory, and public disclosure documents.

Links to Legislation and Regulations

  • a service of the United States Publishing Office (GPO). Free access to official publications from all three branches of the Federal Government. You can access Congressional documents such as bills, reports and hearings, the Congressional Record, GAO Reports, Economic Report of the President and more. There is a list of publications included in this database. 
  • CONGRESS.GOV is the official website for U. S. federal legislation, providing complete legislative information for Members of Congress, legislative agencies and the public.This database maintained by the Library of Congress and usually updated the morning after the session adjourns. Here is the list of resources provided.

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