We gratefully acknowledge the alumni, parents and friends who gave $7,473,459 in fiscal year 2023.

Commencement graduate

As we celebrate Stonehill College’s 75th academic year, this is an opportunity to celebrate our past and look towards its bright future of continuing to educate hearts and minds for years to come. 

In the fall of 1948, Stonehill’s inaugural semester had 134 students and eight faculty teaching classes mostly in Donahue Hall. This began a thriving Stonehill which offered educational opportunities to many who represented the first generation in their families to attend college. 

Today, Stonehill educates 2,500 students with 175 faculty members and has helped over 30,000 graduates grow into global citizens who lead with heart.  

Our success at 75 is with appreciation to our community. Thank you for your gifts to Stonehill College during fiscal year 2023 (July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023).  

Your gifts hold a door open for our students and ensure that future generations will access a Stonehill education. Your gifts provide mission-critical resources and make possible extraordinary leaps to propel the College into the next 75 years and beyond. 

We are grateful for the ways in which you contribute to the mission of Stonehill.  

2023 Annual Report of Giving

The 2023 Annual Report of Giving acknowledges all those who have made gifts to Stonehill College from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023. The Office of Development has worked carefully to ensure the accuracy of the information. If you come across an error or omission, please accept our apologies and advise us of the error.

Contact the Office of Development

Alumni Council

The Alumni Council, a 42-member volunteer group composed of both elected and appointed members, strives to represent the views and interests of the entire alumni body through the work of its committees and programming efforts.

President's Advisory Council

Composed of not more than 35 appointed alumni, the President’s Advisory Council complements the work of the President and the Board of Trustees by offering advice, guidance and recommendations on priority areas of the College.

Anthony F. Cashman '89
Alisha R. Collins '07
Ralph A. Dangelmaier Jr. '88
Kim E. O'Connor Daniels '90
Daniel P. Farley '92
John W. Ferguson '07
Mary Kate Sullivan Ferrara '97
Joseph M. Gray '85
William H. Hebert Jr. '82
Erica A. DeFreitas Lennon '07
Nicholas J. Losurdo '01
Thomas C. Marie '86
William P. McMahon Jr. '94
Robin D. McQueen-Lynch '80
Michael J. Nelson '94
Kathryn M. Sylvia Rattigan '08
Matthew L. Rogers '04
Michael J. Scannell '87
Colleen E. McGinn Simms '00
Pamela J. Belsito Szkutak '82
Robert G. Taylor '91
Anne M. Stearns Thibeault '01
Jayson E. Tinsley '02
Andrae L. Vandross '02
Anthony M. Zanetti '08