Video created by David Kenny, 2020 Anthony Ellis Post-Graduate Fellowship Award winner.

Each spring, the English department accepts proposals from English majors in their senior year for the annual Anthony Ellis Post-Graduation Fellowship (in honor of Dr. Anthony Ellis, ’89).  The fellowship provides a stipend of $1,500 and institutional support to assist the Ellis Fellow in launching his/her post-graduation experience.

If you are a graduating English major from the class,  we invite you to imagine what you would do with this seed money.  Would you make a short film or publish a chapbook of poems? Perhaps learn Nepali in order to travel to the Himalayas? Or plant an organic community garden in a disused urban lot? Would you journey to the place where your ancestors once lived and write the first draft of your multi-generational novel? There are no restrictions on the type of project that you may propose: if you wish to do something scholarly, creative, service-oriented, or otherwise horizon-broadening, we would like to hear about it. Best of all, there are no strings attached— all we ask in return is that you share the experience with the Stonehill community in the medium of your choice.

Recent winners


Jesse Farris: Support for conducting research and  writing a short novel tentatively titled “I Nothing Am,” an exploration of "the dissolution of self that occurs when one is removed from the false confines of civilization ... to confront larger universal truths."


David Kenny: Support for the development and publication of an autobiographical children's book on coping with terminal disease and the loss of a sibling.


Mikayla Healy: Funding for research, travel, and initial drafting of "Piecing Together a Life," a family history of her Puerto Rican grandmother.

Emily Schario: Seed money to write and record a podcast series, "Avocado Toast."

Deirdra Chapman: Support for expenses in preparation for graduate work in the MAT program at Bridgewater State University.

Joseph D'Amore: Seed money for a multimedia (prose poetry, musical composition, video performance) creative production, "Antisocial Jazz"; Gavin Damore: Travel funds for "Another Hundred People: Exploring America's Regional Theatres."

Prithak Chowdhury: Funds for travel to India to research and write the story of the Chowdhury family.


Only proposals from graduating English majors will be considered. The funds must be used within one calendar year from the time of graduation. If you have any questions about the Ellis Fellowship, please contact Professor Jared Green.


Proposals must be submitted by midnight on April 30 by using the online proposal form

The winning proposal will be chosen by a committee of English professors and the recipient of the fellowship will be announced at the English department reception following commencement ceremonies.

Fill out the form

About Dr. Anthony Lester Ellis

Dr. Ellis was a professor of Renaissance literature at Western Michigan University. He graduated from Stonehill in 1989 and went on to earn an M.A. in English from the University of Richmond and a Ph.D. in English from Loyola University. Dr. Ellis returned to Stonehill in 2001 to teach a two-semester survey course before going on to University of California, Santa Barbara and eventually to Western Michigan University, where he remained until his passing in 2014. In his vigorously productive academic career, Dr. Ellis taught courses in Shakespeare and the history of drama, lectured in Asia and Europe, and received a Folger Shakespeare Library Fellowship. He served as an associate editor of the journal Comparative Drama and published the monograph Old Age, Masculinity, and Early Modern Drama. His articles on Renaissance drama have appeared in Forum Italicum, Studi veneziani, the Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism, and the Ben Jonson Journal.

Contact Information

Jared F. Green

Jared F. Green

Professor of English, English Department Chair, Digital Humanities Program Director
Cushing Martin 119