Transfer credit may be granted for students who demonstrate competency by means of scores on examinations such as Advanced Placement (AP), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), International Baccalaureate (IB), National Examination in World Languages (NEWL), and the Seal of Biliteracy.

Ordinarily, credit will be granted for scores in which the student has received the equivalent of a grade of C- (1.7 on a scale of 4.0) or higher: 3 and higher for AP; 50 and higher for CLEP; 5 and higher for IB (Higher Level only).

Academic departments recommend course equivalencies for awarding placement for the examinations to the deans of the respective schools who make the final decision. When a course equivalency does not exist, the student is awarded general elective credit. The score requirements for each course equivalent are published annually in the Hill Book.

Students who have taken the same exam more than once and received scores of 3 or higher on multiple attempts may only receive credit for one attempt. Students may not register for a course at Stonehill for which they have received transfer credit.

General Education credit can be awarded if the course equivalents are for courses that fulfill General Education requirements.

Process for Transferring Credit
Students must request official scores be sent directly to Stonehill from the College Board or other examination company. Electronic scores are preferred where available.

Please see the General Education Program webpage for more information on the "Gen Ed Attribute" columns below!

Advanced Placement (AP) for Fall 2024 admitted students and beyond

Exam Subject Score Stonehill Equivalent Credits Gen Ed Attribute
2D Art and Design 3-5 VPS 107 Introduction to Studio Arts Design 3 LAH
3D Art and Design 3-5 VPS 107 Introduction to Studio Arts Design 3 LAH
Art History 3-5 VPH 181 Global Visual Traditions 3 LAH
Biology 3-5 BIO 800 Biology Elective 3 NSCI
Calculus AB 3-5 MTH 125 Calculus I 4  
Calculus BC 3 MTH 125 Calculus I 4  
Calculus BC 4-5 MTH 125 and 126 Calculus I and II 8  
Chemistry 3-5 CHM 800 Chemistry Elective 3 NSCI
Chinese Language & Culture 3 CHN 131 and 132 Elementary Chinese I and II 6 GP, LAH
Chinese Language & Culture 4 CHN 132 Elementary Chinese II and CHN 231 Intermediate Chinese I 6 GP, LAH
Chinese Language & Culture 5 CHN 231 and 232 Intermediate Chinese I and II 6 GP, LAH
Comparative Government & Politics 3-5 POL 134 Comparing States 3 HSS
Computer Science A 3-5 CSC 102 Introduction to Programming 3 NSCI
Computer Science Principles 3-5 CSC 800 Computer Science Elective 3 NSCI
Drawing 3-5 VPS 104 Introduction to Drawing 3 LAH
English Language & Composition 5 FYW 100 First Year Writing Seminar 3 FYW
English Language & Composition 3-4 IND 800 Interdisciplinary Elective 3 LAH
English Literature & Composition 3-5 IND 800 Interdisciplinary Elective 3 LAH
Environmental Science 3-5 ENV 200 Principles of Environmental Science 3 NSCI
European History 3-5 HIS 800 History Elective and HIS 801 History Elective 6 HSS
French Language & Culture 3-5 FOR 800 Foreign Language Elective and FOR 801 Foreign Language Elective 6 GP, LAH
German Language & Culture 3-5 FOR 800 Foreign Language Elective and FOR 801 Foreign Language Elective 6 GP, LAH
Human Geography 3-5 IND 800 Interdisciplinary Elective 3 HSS
Italian Language & Culture 3 ITA 131 and 132 Elementary Italian I and II 6 GP, LAH
Italian Language & Culture 4 ITA 132 Elementary Italian II and ITA 231 Intermediate Italian I 6 GP, LAH
Italian Language & Culture 5 ITA 231 and 232 Intermediate Italian I and II 6 GP, LAH
Japanese Language & Culture 3-5 FOR 800 Foreign Language Elective and FOR 801 Foreign Language Elective 6 GP, LAH
Latin 3-5 FOR 800 Foreign Language Elective and FOR 801 Foreign Language Elective 6 GP, LAH
Macroeconomics 3-5 ECO 178 Macroeconomics Principles 3 HSS
Microeconomics 3-5 ECO 176 Microeconomics Principles 3 HSS
Music Theory 3-5 VPM 240 Music Theory 3 LAH
Physics 3-5 PHY 800 Physics Elective 3 NSCI
Precalculus 3-5 MTH 101 Precalculus 3  
Psychology 3-5 PSY 101 General Psychology 3 HSS
Research 3-5 IND 800 Interdisciplinary Elective 3  
Seminar 3-5 IND 800 Interdisciplinary Elective 3  
Spanish Language & Culture 3 SPA 131 First Semester Spanish and SPA 132 Second Semester Spanish 6 GP, LAH
Spanish Language & Culture 4 SPA 132 Second Semester Spanish and SPA 231 Third Semester Spanish 6 GP, LAH
Spanish Language & Culture 5 SPA 231 Third Semester Spanish and SPA 232 Fourth Semester Spanish 6 GP, LAH
Spanish Literature & Culture 3 SPA 232 Fourth Semester Spanish and SPA 331 Perspectives in Spanish Language & Culture I 6 GP, LAH
Spanish Literature & Culture 4 SPA 331 and 332 Perspectives in Spanish Language & Culture I and II 6 GP, LAH
Spanish Literature & Culture 5 SPA 332 Perspectives in Spanish Language & Culture II and SPA 800 Spanish Elective 6 GP, LAH
Statistics 3+ MTH 145 Basic Quantitative Techniques 3 STRE
United States Government & Politics 3+ POL 123 American Government & Politics 3 HSS
United States History 3+ HIS 281 and 282 American Nation I and II 6 HSS
World History: Modern 3+ HIS 271 and 272 World History I and II 6 HSS

Advanced Placement (AP) Prior to Fall 2024

Exam Subject Score Stonehill Equivalent Credits
Art and Design Program (Drawing, 2D & 3D Design) 3+ Studio Arts Elective (VPS 800) 3

Art History

3+ Art History Elective (VPH 800) 3



Biology Elective (BIO 800)

Calculus AB 3+ Calculus I (MTH 125) or Math Elective (MTH 800) 3
Calculus BC 3-4 Calculus I (MTH 125) or Math Elective (MTH 800) 3
Calculus BC 5 Calculus II (MTH 126) and waiver of Calculus I (MTH 125) 3
Chemistry 3+ General Chemistry I (CHM 113)  3
Chinese Language & Culture 3+ Advanced Chinese II (CHN 332) and waiver of Advanced Chinese I (CHN 331)  3
Comparative Government & Politics 3+ Comparing States (POL 134) 3
Computer Science A 3+ Computer Science I (CSC 103) 3
Computer Science Principles 3+ Computer Science Elective (CSC 800) 3
English Language & Composition 3+ General Elective (EL 800) 3
English Literature & Composition 3+ General Elective (EL 800) 3
Environmental Science 3+ Environmental Science Elective (ENV 800) 3
European History 3+ History elective (HIS 800)  3
French Language & Culture 3+ Advanced French II (FRN 332) and waiver of Advanced French I (FRN 331) 3
German Language & Culture 3+ Germany Today (GRM 333) and waiver of Germany Since 1945 (GRM 331) 3
Human Geography 3+ General Elective (EL 800) 3
Italian Language & Culture 3+ Advanced Italian II (ITA 252) and waiver of Advanced Italian (ITA 251)  3
Japanese Language & Culture 3+ Advanced Japanese II (FOR 802) and waiver of Advanced Japanese (FOR 801) 3
Latin 3+ Intermediate Latin II (LAT 232) and waiver of Intermediate Latin I (LAT 231) 3
Microeconomics 3+ Microeconomics Principles (ECO 176)  3
Macroeconomics 3+ Macroeconomics Principles (ECO 178)  3
Music Theory 3+ Music Theory (VPM 240) 3
Psychology 3+ General Psychology (PSY 101) 3
Spanish Language & Culture 3+ Advanced Spanish II (SPA 332) and waiver of Advanced Spanish I (SPA 331) 3
Spanish Literature & Culture 3+ Advanced Spanish II (SPA 332) and waiver of Advanced Spanish I (SPA 331) 3
Statistics 3+ Basic Quantitative Techniques (MTH 145)  3
US Government & Politics 3+ American Government & Politics (POL 123) 3
U.S. History 3+ History elective (HIS 800)  3
World History 3+ History elective (HIS 800)  3

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Exam Subject Score Stonehill Equivalent Credits Gen Ed Attribute
American Government 50+ EL 800 General Elective 3  
American Literature 50+ IND 800 Interdisciplinary Elective 3 LAH
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature 50+ IND 800 Interdisciplinary Elective 3 LAH
Biology 50+ BIO 800 Biology Elective 3 NSCI
Calculus 50+ MTH 800 Mathematics Elective 3  
Chemistry 50+ CHM 800 Chemistry Elective 3 NSCI
College Algebra 50+ EL 800 General Elective 3  
College Composition 50+ EL 800 General Elective 3  
College Composition Modular 50+ EL 800 General Elective 3  
College Mathematics 50+ MTH 800 Mathematics Elective 3  
Educational Psychology 50+ EDU 800 Education Elective 3  
English Literature 50+ IND 800 Interdisciplinary Elective 3 LAH
Financial Accounting 50+ EL 800 General Elective 3  
French Language Level I 50+ FOR 800 Foreign Language Elective and FOR 801 Foreign Language Elective 6 GP, LAH
German Language Level I 50+ FOR 800 Foreign Language Elective and FOR 801 Foreign Language Elective 6 GP, LAH
History of the United States I 50+ HIS 281 American Nation I 3 HSS
History of the United States II 50+ HIS 282 American Nation II 3 HSS
Human Growth & Development 50+ PSY 201 Child Development 3  
Humanities 50+ IND 800 Interdisciplinary Elective 3 LAH
Information Systems 50+ MGT 240 Management Information Systems 3  
Introduction to Educational Psychology 50+ EDU 800 Education Elective 3  
Introductory Business Law 50+ EL 800 General Elective 3  
Introductory Psychology 50+ PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology 6 HSS
Introductory Sociology 50+ EL 800 General Elective 3  
Natural Sciences 50+ IND 800 Interdisciplinary Elective 3 NSCI
Principles of Macroeconomics 3-5 ECO 178 Macroeconomics Principles 3 HSS
Principles of Microeconomics 3-5 ECO 176 Microeconomics Principles 3 HSS
Principles of Management 50+ MGT 400 Topics in Management 3  
Principles of Marketing 50+ MKT 210 Marketing Principles 3  
Social Sciences and History 50+ IND 800 Interdisciplinary Elective 3 HSS
Spanish Language Level I 50-59 SPA 131 First Semester Spanish and SPA 132 Second Semester Spanish 6 GP, LAH
Spanish Language Level I 60-69 SPA 132 Second Semester Spanish and SPA 231 Third Semester Spanish 6 GP, LAH
Spanish Language Level I 70-79 SPA 231 Third Semester Spanish and SPA 232 Fourth Semester Spanish 6 GP, LAH
Spanish with Writing Level I 50-59 SPA 232 Fourth Semester Spanish and SPA 331 Perspectives in Spanish Language & Culture I 6 GP, LAH
Spanish with Writing Level I 60-69 SPA 331 and SPA 332 Perspectives in Spanish Language & Culture I and II 6 GP, LAH
Spanish with Writing Level I 70-79 SPA 332 Perspectives in Spanish Language and Culture II and SPA 800 Spanish Elective 6 GP, LAH
Western Civilization I 50+ HIS 800 History Elective 3 HSS
Western Civilization II 50+ HIS 800 History Elective 3 HSS

International Baccalaureate

Exam Subject Score Stonehill Equivalent Credits Gen Ed Attribute
Biology - High Level (HL) 5+ General Elective 6  
Business & Management - High Level (HL) 5+ General Elective 6  
Chemistry - High Level (HL) 5+ General Elective 6  
Economics - High Level (HL) 5+ General Elective 6  
English A1 - High Level (HL) 5+ General Elective 6  
English B - High Level (HL) 5+ General Elective 6  
French B - High Level (HL) 5+ FOR 800 Foreign Language Elective and FOR 801 Foreign Language Elective 6 GP, LAH
Geography - High Level (HL) 5+ IND 800 Interdisciplinary Elective and IND 801 Interdisciplinary Elective 6 HSS
German B - High Level (HL) 5+ FOR 800 Foreign Language Elective and FOR 801 Foreign Language Elective 6 GP, LAH
History (Europe) - High Level (HL) 5+ General Elective 6  
Mathematics - High Level (HL) 5+ MTH 125 Calculus I and MTH 126 Calculus II or MTH 800 and 801 Mathematics Electives 6  
Physics - High Level (HL) 5+ General Elective 6  
Social & Cultural Anthropology - High Level (HL) 5+ General Elective 6  
Spanish A - High Level (HL) 5+ Advanced Spanish I (SPA 331) and Advanced Spanish II (SPA 332) 6 GP, LAH
Visual Arts - High Level (HL) 5+ General Elective 6  

National Examination in World Languages (NEWL)

Language Score Stonehill Equivalent Credits Gen Ed Attribute
Arabic 3 ARB 131 and 132 Elementary Arabic I and II 6 GP, LAH
Arabic 4 ARB 132 Elementary Arabic II and ARB 231 Intermediate Arabic I 6 GP, LAH
Arabic 5 ARB 231 and 232 Intermediate Arabic I and II 6 GP, LAH
All other languages 3-5 FOR 800 Foreign Language Elective and FOR 801 Foreign Language Elective 6 GP, LAH

Seal of Biliteracy

Language Score Stonehill Equivalent Credits Gen Ed Attribute
Arabic Passed ARB 132 Elementary Arabic II and ARB 231 Intermediate Arabic I 6 GP, LAH
Arabic With Distinction ARB 231 and 232 Intermediate Arabic I and II 6 GP, LAH
Chinese Passed CHN 132 Elementary Chinese II and CHN 231 Intermediate Chinese I 6 GP, LAH
Chinese With Distinction CHN 231 and 232 Intermediate Chinese I and II 6 GP, LAH
Italian Passed ITA 132 Elementary Italian II and ITA 231 Intermediate Italian I 6 GP, LAH
Italian With Distinction ITA 231 and 232 Intermediate Italian I and II 6 GP, LAH
Spanish Passed SPA 331 and SPA 332 Perspectives in Spanish Language & Culture I and II 6 GP, LAH
Spanish With Distinction SPA 332 Perspectives in Spanish Language & Culture II and SPA 800 Spanish Elective 6 GP, LAH
Any other language Passed or With Distinction FOR 800 Foreign Language Elective and FOR 801 Foreign Language Elective 6 GP, LAH

For further information, contact:

Duffy Academic Center – 112

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