In 2022-2023 we hope to schedule a number of H.O.P.E. trips throughout the country! We would love to have you join us! Below is some information that will help you decide if H.O.P.E. might be a good fit for you!

H.O.P.E. is not just a one-week experience, it is a year-long program!

Why participate in H.O.P.E.?

Throughout the year you will...

  • Form community with other students
  • Learn about the culture, history, and issues of social justice of the host community
  • Learn about your own sense of identity and understand broad social justice concepts and ideas
  • Make a positive impact in the communities where you serve
  • Discover a new sense of community, which crosses the borders of race, culture, land, and language.
  • Find personal transformation through reflection, self-awareness, and cross-cultural experiences.
  • Continue to pursue justice, educate others, and advocate for marginalized communities after your immersion.


Because of the nature of the experience, we ask that you think seriously about the commitment you will be making, and that you accept the responsibilities that it demands. When you submit your application, you do so with the understanding of the following expectations:


  • Presence at Orientation Session in October 2022
  • Presence and full participation in weekly group meetings to prepare for Service Immersion (Wednesday nights 6:30pm-8:00pm)
  • Active group and personal fundraising
  • Full participation in the service immersion experience and the reflection sessions
  • Full participation in the Re-Entry Program in the spring semester

Application & Selection Process

  • Complete and submit participant application by deadline (September 2022, Date TBD.) There is one application is for ALL service trips taking place in Winter, Spring, or Summer 2023.
  • This program is highly competitive, so you must thoroughly express your commitment through the application.
  • You will have an opportunity to rank your areas of interest on your application form. Please understand we do our best to place you in an interest area of your choosing, but there is no guarantee that you will be placed in your top choice.
  • If selected, you will be notified in early October and asked to confirm participation a week later by submitting all forms and a non-refundable deposit of $200.

What Can Be Triggering through H.O.P.E.?

H.O.P.E. in and of itself will create anxiety in the healthiest of people. When thinking of applying for H.O.P.E., please remember the following scenarios are possible:

  • Driving upwards of 18 hours to location
  • Sharing small space with entire delegation
  • Experiencing rural or urban poverty
  • Limited access to showering and/or normal comforts of home or dorm life
  • Restricted communication with support networks
  • Possible homestay within a different cultural context
  • Testimony from people who have been through trauma
  • Learning about privilege and oppression
  • Not controlling food options (allergies, sensitivities and concerns must be expressed before the trip)
  • Uncontrollable travel delays or changes
  • Learning about justice issues and everyday struggles of others

Be Mindful

Knowing your limits is the most important aspect of living a healthy life. If you believe these types of experiences may be too much for you right now, it is best to wait until you have further developed resiliency in coping. Speak with your therapists, family, and medical providers for honest reflection on your abilities to handle the stresses. If you are triggered on while participating beyond your comfort level, your presence could have an impact on the group dynamic and receiving community. The staff and student leaders who work with you will notify the H.O.P.E. director about possible issues that come up so you can adequately get the help you may need.

Support Throughout the Process

Student leaders are trained by counseling services to deal with stressful situations and know the signs of mental health distress. If you encounter a triggering experience, the staff or student leader will follow-up with the Service Immersion Coordinator, Colleen Schoeck. Colleen may follow-up with you directly and encourage you to get in contact with counseling services or to avail yourself of services at the college for further care and health. In some cases, the H.O.P.E. Director may go directly to the Dean of Students to set in motion a plan of care for your well-being. Your health and well-being are always of primary concern.

Payment & Fundraising

  • You are responsible for payment & fundraising towards administrative cost of the program and as a way to support the community partners.
  • Nonrefundable deposits of $200 must be paid at the time of acceptance.
  • By committing to the program, you agree to participate in group fundraising before attending your trip. The group fundraising goal will be $100/person on each trip.
  • You may also be responsible for personal fundraising. Maximum personal fundraising: $200 driving trips, $500 domestic flying trips. International Trips: TBD


Financial hardship could prohibit some students from applying and participating in the program. We have the opportunity to provide some need-based scholarships to reduce your obligations to the program. Please e-mail Colleen Schoeck, Service Immersion Coordinator at for more information.

Cell Phone Policy

In solidarity with the individuals we are serving, cell phones MAY NOT be used while on service immersion trips. Cell phones will be locked away in a “cell phone island” bag. Meals, reflection, group bonding, travel to and from the worksite each day, etc. should be spent connecting with the other students and leaders. The purpose of this guideline is for students to be present and in the moment thinking about the H.O.P.E. experience, instead of constantly focusing on engaging with friends and family back home. Family and friends may listen to the H.O.P.E hotline for updates on their students’ trip or check the Campus Ministry Facebook page. If a student (or family) does not feel comfortable not having contact with their family (or student) for the entirety of the trip, the student SHOULD NOT apply for a H.O.P.E immersion.

“A Taste of H.O.P.E.” Trip Option (NEW!)

Students who are interested in participating in the H.O.P.E. program but who do not have the time, energy, or financial ability to commit to a full HOPE program experience can now do so by participating in a “Mini” H.O.P.E. trip in October 2022 over Fall Break.

The “Taste of H.O.P.E.” program will involve only a one month commitment to the program starting on September 14th and ending on October 12th. There will be an orientation, 3 group meetings and a post-meeting wrap up. The trip itself will take place over Fall Break: Friday, Oct 7th-Tues Oct 11th and will consist of time spent in the L’Arche Boston North community in Haverhill, MA which is an intentional community for people with and without intellectual disabilities. Check out their website to learn more: L'Arche Boston North (

There will be a $50 deposit/person for the program and $50 worth of personal fundraising required. There is no group fundraising component of this trip.

The “Taste of H.O.P.E.” application will be a separate application from the regular H.O.P.E. application.

Taste of H.O.P.E. Application