A Community-Based Learning Course is a regular classroom course with additional hours creating and implementing service-projects or conducting research in partnership with a local community organization. 

At Stonehill, we have several CBL courses for students to choose from, spanning many different academic departments and subject matters. We also have Learning Community CBL courses and Capstone CBL courses.

Past CBL courses are:


Professor - Bronwyn Bleakley

Business Administration

Professor - Eddie Rhee


Professor: Monique Myers

Partner: ETC, Mainspring, Old Colony Y

Professor: Lisa Boragine

Professor: Anne Mattina


Professor: Angela Paradise

Partner: Davis Commons, Ashfield Middle School

Professor: Monique Myers



Professor: Ed Jacoubs


Professor: Ed Jacoubs



Professor: Eunmi Yang

Partner: Arnone Elementary School 

Environmental Studies

Professor: Bridget Meigs

Partner: The Farm

Gender & Sexuality Studies

Professor: Stacey Grooters

Partner: New Day, Moore Center


Professor: Maureen Boyle

Partner: Messiah Baptist Church

Learning Communities

Professor: Dana David-Walsh; Heather Perry

Partner: Louison Center


Professor: Jim Lee; Kate Sullivan

Partner: Coaching for Change

Brockton Youth Council

Boys & Girls Club of Brockton

Family Center, Community Connections of Brockton

Professor: John McCoy; David Dawson

Partner: HOPe House

Professor: Corey Dolgon; Meagan Dussault

Partner: Theatre production


Professor: Chris Wetzel; Bridget Meigs



Professor: Susan Zandrow

Partner: Children’s Museum in Easton


Professor: Corey Dolgon


Professor: Corey Dolgon

Partner: Jana Linhart (Community Gardens) & Charity Guild

Professor: Jungyun Gill

Partner: Community Connections of Brockton

Professor: Christopher Wetzel


Professor: Kathleen Cowie


Professor: Margaret Boyd


Studio Arts

Professor: Candace Walters, Adam Lampton

Partner: Brockton Public Schools (Plouffe)

Duffy Academic Center – 116

The Office of Community-Based Learning allows students to perform service-learning projects or conduct community-based research that not only benefits local needs but is designed collaboratively between community-based organizations as well as faculty and students.