Coinciding with the College’s year-long 75th anniversary celebration, Campus Ministry recently published the second edition of Lux et Spes: A Stonehill Prayer Book. The first volume was previously published in 2019.

In a letter included in the book, President John Denning, C.S.C., writes, “My hope is that Lux et Spes will be a volume for you to turn to for inspiration and comfort. May you find in this book an invitation to deepen your relationship with the God who, as the psalmists remind us, is the one who listens and shows mercy to those who call out for help.”

The latest edition features prayers written by Stonehill students, faculty, staff, alumni and other community members. They focus on topics like navigating life as a new student, finding faith, and making decisions, among others. Additionally, the book includes traditional Catholic prayers, prayers from other religious traditions, the lyrics to Stonehill’s alma mater “Queen of the Summit,” and information about Campus Ministry’s programs and services. 

Rev. James Chichetto, C.S.C. ’64, professor of communication and currently the longest-serving priest of the Congregation of Holy Cross at Stonehill College, wrote a prayer to commemorate the College’s milestone 75th academic year.

“Though each of us is on a separate journey, we are linked together by a common trail that points to community – to a community of inclusion, of diversity, of knowledge, of respect, and of essential goodness,” the prayer reads in part.

In writing this reflection, Fr. Chichetto wanted to convey the idea that there is room for everyone at Stonehill. 

“Inclusion and respect make mutual confidence, hope and light possible,” he said. “Intolerance, of course, is the culprit. Intolerance is also the great exaggerator, making us far more incompatible and different than we really are.”

Lux et Spes is the product of a sub-committee of the College’s Catholic Identity/Mission Committee. As the group’s chair, Rev. Anthony Szakaly, C.S.C., director of campus ministry and alumni minister, oversaw the production of the latest edition of the prayer book. He believes the work will be useful in helping students, faculty, staff and alumni on their faith journeys. 

“Stonehill is committed to supporting campus community members as they pursue opportunities for moral and spiritual growth,” Fr. Szakaly said. “Lux et Spes is an important tool designed to guide them in their efforts to spread light and hope in all that they do. I am thankful to everyone who contributed to this special book, including the College Catholic Identity/Mission Committee, members of the Congregation of Holy Cross, and those who submitted prayers.”  

Want a copy of Lux et Spes: A Stonehill Prayer Book?

Please reach out to Campus Ministry.