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Using ILLiad for Interlibrary Loan

The MacPháidín Library uses an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service based on ILLiad, which provides many useful features. From any web browser, users are able to store their personal information for use on all future requests, retrieve requested articles electronically, request renewals, check on the status of their requests, and have access to their ILL borrowing history.

With this system, every ILL user must perform a simple, one-time registration at the time of their first ILL request. Access to ILLiad accounts is by username and password.

Help in setting up ILLiad accounts is available at The Desk, and by calling 508.565.1313.

About Interlibrary Loan

Books, journal articles and other materials not owned by Stonehill can be borrowed through Interlibrary Loan from other libraries. Interlibrary Loan is available to any current Stonehill student, faculty or staff. It is offered at the discretion of the MacPháidín Library. The MacPháidín Library does not impose any fee for ILL use. Loan periods vary for ILL items, as they are set by the lending library. ILL items can be recalled at any time and must be returned as soon as possible. Duplicate items can be obtained to replace recalled materials.

There are no limits on the number of ILL requests that patrons can make. However, a large number of requests may prompt an inquiry from a Reference Librarian who will want to be sure that you are on the right track.