Jungyun Gill
Associate Professor of Sociology, Sociology & Anthropology Department Chair
Professor Jungyun Gill’s expertise and publications involve both qualitative work and quantitative statistical analyses. Her interests include gender and sexuality, transnational adoptions and families, childhood and child welfare, Asian racial identity, mental health, social movements, and political and military sociology. She has published in journals including Marriage & Family Review, Social Movement Studies, Armed Forces and Society, and Politics and Religion.
Her book Unequal Motherhoods and the Adoption of Asian Children: Birth, Foster, and Adoptive Mothers (2017) analyzes U.S. and South Korean governments’ social characteristics and policies regarding adoptions and how relations between nations have affected international adoption. The book focuses on whether the commonly held notion that adoptions are to serve children’s welfare has tended to render gendered aspects of international adoptions invisible. The multiple ways in which adoptive, birth, and foster mothers experience gender oppression from their different social positions of class, race, and nationality are explored and the interdependencies and inequalities of the motherhoods of these three groups of women are brought to light. Professor Gill's co-authored book Social Problems and Social Movements (2019) highlights the role of collective action and social movements to solve social problems and improve society. It is composed of fifteen chapters covering topics such as the sociology of social problems, the sociology of social movements, and the sociology of power. Specific chapters also focus on poverty, race/ethnicity and immigration, gender and sexuality, the family, education and media, health care, crime and criminal justice, globalization and global inequality, population and aging, the environment, drug abuse, human trafficking, and war, rebellion and terrorism.
Professor Gill has also conducted numerous research projects with Stonehill students ranging through a variety of topics such as service learning, Asian adoptees, gender and mental health, the 2017 Women’s Marches and feminist movement, and presidential elections. Professor Gill and her students presented their research at annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, the Society for the Study of Social Problems and the Eastern Sociological Society. Professor Gill has taught courses in the areas of gender, sexuality, families, childhood and children’s welfare, sociological theory and sociological research methods.
- Ph.D., Sociology, University of Connecticut at Storrs
- M.A., Sociology, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
- B.A., Philosophy, Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea
Research Interests
Gender & Intersectionality; Transnational Adoptions & Families; Childhood & Child Welfare; Asian Racial Identity; Social Movements
Courses Taught
- Introduction to Sociology
- Survey of Research Methods
- Sociology of Gender
- Sociological Theories
- Qualitative Research
- Sociology of Childhood and Child Welfare
- Seminar: Love, Intimacy, and Human Sexuality
- Capstone Internship in Sociology
- Learning Community: Gender and Wellness
Select Publications & Presentations
DeFronzo, J. & Gill, J. (2019) Social Problems and Social Movements. Rowman & Littlefield
Gill, J. (2017) Unequal Motherhoods and the Adoption of Asian Children: Birth, Foster, and Adoptive Mothers, Lexington Books.
Gill, J. (2016) Gender and History of Revolutions: East Asia. The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies. Nancy Naples (Ed). Wiley-Blackwell.
Gill, J. & DeFronzo, J. (2014). Military Tradition, the Human Costs of War and the 2008 Election. Armed Forces & Society, 40 (4): 724-741.
DeFronzo, J. & Gill, J. (2014) Revolution Without Borders: Global Revolutionaries, Their Messages and Means. Pp. 739-758 in The Sage Handbook of Globalization. Steger, M., Battersby, P. & Siracusa, J., (Eds). Sage Publications
Gill, J. & DeFronzo, J. (2013). Religion, Rational Political Theory and the 2008 Presidential Election. Politics and Religion 6 (2): 303-316
Gill, J. (2012) Where Do Our Children Fit In?: White Mothering of Asian Children and Racial and Ethnic Identity Construction. Journal of Social Distress and the Homelessness, 21(3&4): 227-256.
Gill, J. (2009). Constructing and Enhancing the International Adoptive Family Through Communication Technology. Marriage & Family Review, 45 (6): 783 – 806.
Gill, J. & DeFronzo, J. (2009). A Comparative Framework for the Analysis of International Student Movements. Social Movements Studies, 8 (3): 203 – 224.
Gill, J. (2006). Student and Youth Movements, Activism, and Revolution. Pp. 848-854 in Revolutionary Movements in World History: From 1750 to the Present, Volume 3. James DeFronzo (Ed.). ABC-CLIO Press.
Gill, J., and Linsey Malia (’18) “Gender, Inter-Parental Disrespect, and Children’s Life Course Depressive Symptoms,” Society for the Study of Social Problems 2017 Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.
Gill, J., and Emma Lorusso (’16) “Asian Adoptees’ Racial Identity Development and Their Attitudes toward Birth Parents,” Eastern Sociological Society 2016 Annual Meeting, Boston, MA
Gill, J., Olivia Osiecki (’16), and Matt Pini (’16) “Liberal Arts College Students’ Attitudes toward a Neighboring City and the Implications for Service Learning,” Eastern Sociological Society 2015 Annual Meeting , New York, NY
Gill, J. DeFronzo, J., Kelly Brodbeck (’14), & Laura Dzgoeva (’14) “War, Unemployment and the 2008 and the 2012 Presidential Elections,” American Sociological Association 2013 Annual Meeting. New York, NY
Gill, J. Elizabeth Shelly (’13), & Katie Heintz (’13) “Perceptions of “The Other”: Liberal Arts College Students’ Attitudes toward a Neighboring City and the Implications for Community-Based Research and Learning,” The Regional Conference on Teaching Sociology. Easton, MA
- 2023 Outstanding Faculty Advising & Mentorship Award, Stonehill College