Cheryl S. Schnitzer
Professor of Chemistry, Director of Photonics & Optical Engineering Certificate Program
Dr. Cheryl Schnitzer received her B.A. in Chemistry in 1994 from Skidmore College (Saratoga Springs, NY) with a minor in Environmental Studies. Her undergraduate research involved studying temporal and seasonal trends of ions in acid deposition in the laboratory of Dr. Judy Halstead. She earned her Ph.D. in 1999 at Tufts University (Medford, MA) where she worked in the laboratory of Dr. Mary Jane Shultz. For her graduate research, she examined an aspect of ozone depletion using a nonlinear spectroscopy called sum frequency generation. While finishing her dissertation, she worked as a Laboratory Manager and Instructor at Suffolk University.
With her background in lasers and spectroscopy, Professor Schnitzer, along with her colleague, Ruby (Guiru) Gu, Associate Professor of Physics, oversees an active femtosecond laser research group and are among the leaders in Massachusetts in the up-and-coming field called integrated photonics. She was honored to be an invited speaker for TEDxStonehillCollege, “We Are in a Photonics Revolution.” Professors Schnitzer and Gu are Co-Principal Investigators for the AIM Photonics LEAP @ Stonehill (Lab for Education and Application Prototypes), the Photonics Certificate Program, and BOLD IDEAS, part of the College’s 2020 Capital Campaign.
Schnitzer serves as chair of the Environmental Stewardship Council, whose members foster proactive, environmentally sustainable policies, approaches and practices on campus that are consistent with Stonehill's mission, guiding principles, and student learning goals and outcomes.
- B.A., Honors in Chemistry, Environmental Studies Minor, Skidmore College
- Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, Tufts University
- Coordinator for the ACS program Project SEED, Stonehill College, 2001–2022, Professor Schnitzer has received funding for high school students every summer from National Project SEED, American Chemical Society, and the Northeastern Section of the American Chemical Society.
- Dedicated to reducing waste from single-use disposables and lowering Stonehill’s carbon footprint, Professor Schnitzer launched her company Reuzzi at Stonehill to track takeout food containers using a mobile app. Working with students in the computer science capstone course, she created the app’s beta version called Choose2Reuse.
- J. Diop; G. Gu; C. Schnitzer, C. et al., Sub-award from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “Tuition Coverage for Stonehill College and Bridgewater State University’s New Photonics Technician-Certificate,” submitted by MIT to various professional organizations for the purpose of supporting 15 students at $15,000 per student to participate in a 15-month pilot photonics technician-certificate and internship program, $217,406, 2020.
- G. Gu; C. Schnitzer; E. Deveney, AIM Academy LEAPs @ Stonehill and BSU (Lab for Education & Application Prototypes), Massachusetts Manufacturing Investment Initiative (M2I2), State Cost Share to support Manufacturing USA Projects, Massachusetts Technology Collaborative (MassTech), $3.8 M total, $2.4 M Stonehill College, 2019.
- G. Gu; C. Schnitzer, Sub-award from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “Competency, Community, Career: A technician apprenticeship certificate for advanced manufacturing” Manufacturing Engineering Education Program (MEEP), Office of Naval Research, $1,800,000 total, $570,000 Stonehill College, 2019.
- G. Gu; C. Schnitzer; D. Simon; R. Hirst; A. Massarotti; S. Hubbard, “Bold Ideas: Think, Act, Lead Integrated Photonics - LEAP into the 21st Century” BOLD Ideas, over $1.5 M, Stonehill College capital campaign, 2019.
- C. Schnitzer, Coordinator for the ACS program Project SEED, Stonehill College, 2001 – present, Professor Schnitzer has received funding for high school students every summer from National Project SEED, American Chemical Society, and the Northeastern Section of the American Chemical Society.
- G. Gu; C. Schnitzer, Equipment donation from Prof. Russ Scaduto ’77, Femtosecond Laser and Integrated Photonics Lab Equipment, $17,068 (Equipment donation), 2017.
- C. Schnitzer, “Project SUCCESS and Project SEED” DuPont Center for Collaborative Research and Education, $8,303, 2006.
- C. Schnitzer, “Developing a Model of Metal Complexes at the Gas-Liquid Interface Using a Novel Bubble Column” Research Corporation Cottrell College Science Awards, $37,025, 2005.
- Membership in Professional Societies and Nominations to Honor Societies: American Chemical Society, Council on Undergraduate Research, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi.
Research Interests
- Integrated photonics: Workforce development, materials and high-speed testing
- Femtosecond laser-based experiment: study pulse duration
- Surface-Enhanced Resonance Raman Scattering (SERRS): study the molecule copper chlorophyllin, a derivative of chlorophyll
Courses Taught
- Physical Chemistry I
- Physical Chemistry II
- Advanced Physical Chemistry: Lasers and their Applications
- General Chemistry I
- General Chemistry II
- Strategies for Science Success
Selected Publications, Articles & Presentations
- K.T. Thitikorn; G. Gu; C. Schnitzer; M. Sullivan; B. Xianga; A. GhafaryAghdam; L. Li; X. Lu “Study of frequency-resolved plasmonic enhancement of a circular disk nano-optical antenna array using a femtosecond laser frequency comb” J. Phys. D 2019, 52(38), 385104-385113.
- M. Sullivan; S. Desmarais; E. Pacheco; M. Hamalian; E. Moutsopoulos; H. Patel; S. Scala; Y. Sudhu; C. Schnitzer “Femtosecond Laser Spectroscopy, Autocorrelation, and Second Harmonic Generation: An Experiment for Undergraduate Students” Eur. J. Phys. 2019, 40(3), 35302-35311.
- C.S. Schnitzer; C.L. Reim; J.J. Sirois; P.G. House “Surface-Enhanced Resonance Raman Scattering and Visible Extinction Spectroscopy of Copper Chlorophyllin: An Upper Level Chemistry Experiment” J. Chem. Educ. 2010, 87, 429-432.
- P.G. House and C. Schnitzer “SERRS and Visible Extinction Spectroscopy of Copper Chlorophyllin on Silver Colloids as a Function of pH” J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2008, 318, 145-151.
- Shultz, M. J.; Baldelli, S.; Schnitzer, C.; Simonelli, D. “Aqueous Solution/Air Interfaces Probed with Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy” Feature Article, J. Phys. Chem. B 2002, 106, 5313-5324.
- Shultz, M. J.; Schnitzer, C.; Simonelli, D.; Baldelli, S. “SFG Spectroscopy of the Aqueous Interface: Ionic and Soluble Molecular Solutions” Int. Rev. Phys. Chem. 2000, 19, 123-153.
- Schnitzer, C.; Baldelli, S.; Shultz, M. J. "Sum Frequency Generation of Water on NaCl, NaNO3, KHSO4, HCl, HNO3, and H2SO4 Aqueous Solutions" J. Phys. Chem. B 2000, 104, 585-590.
- Schnitzer, C.; Baldelli, S.; Shultz, M. J. "Sum Frequency Generation by Water on Supercooled H2SO4/H2O Liquid Solutions at Stratospheric Temperature" Chem. Phys. Lett. 1999, 313, 416-420.
- Agarwal, A.M., Weninger, D., Kimerling, L.C., Gu, G., Schnitzer, C., Kissa, K., Deveney, E., Serna, S., Demirbas, E., Petkie, D., Eakin, J., Longacre, J., Linnell, A., Rentsch, K., Vazehgoo, F., Adamshick, S., Massa, N.M., Agliati, A. “The Massachusetts LEAP network: Building a template for a hands-on advanced manufacturing hub in integrated photonics,” Optics Education and Outreach VII, part of SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, Tracking #: OP22O-OP301-17, August 22, 2022, https://spie.org/OP301.
- Serna, S., Hidalgo, N., Tjan, J., McComber, K., Kimerling, L., Verlage, E., Diop, J., Hu, J., Saini, S., Agarwal, A., Gagnon, G., Preble, S., Howland, G., van Niekerk, M., Steidle, J. McNulty, K., Cardenas, J., Song, M., Popović, M., Khilo, A., Nagarkar, P., Vazehgoo, F., Moskowitz, I., Gu, G., Schnitzer, C., Deveney, E., Kling, T., Petkie, D., Longacre, J. “A modular laboratory curriculum for teaching integrated photonics to students with diverse backgrounds” Talk in the Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality for Optics and Photonics Education session at the Education and Training in Optics and Photonics Conference (ETOP), 21-24 May 2019, Québec, Canada, http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2523791.
- Simon, D., Gu, G., Schnitzer, C., Deveney, E., Kling, T., Diop, J., Tower, S. “A modular industry-centered program for photonics and integrated photonics certification” Talk in the session Optics and Photonics Curriculum and Programs session at the Education and Training in Optics and Photonics Conference (ETOP), 21-24 May 2019, Québec, Canada, https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2523791.
- Guiru Gu, Micheala Sullivan, Cheryl Schnitzer, Thitikorn Kemsri, Boyang Xiang, Ainaz Ghafary Aghdam and Xuejun Lu, “Plasmonic Optical Antenna (POA) Enhanced Avalanche Photodiode (APD) for LiDAR Application” Invited Talk, SPIE 2019 Photonics West, San Francisco, California, February 2-7, 2019.
- Schnitzer, C., Gunawardena, M., Johnson, A., Saieva Narin, A., Williams, T. “Elucidating Energy Transfer in Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1” Poster, Atomic and Molecular Interactions Gordon Research Conference, Stonehill College, Summer 2014.
- Schnitzer, C., Gunawardena, M., Drury, M., Fitch, H., Sheeran, J., Williams, T. “Elucidating Energy Transfer in Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1” Poster, Photochemistry Gordon Research Conference, Stonehill College, Summer 2013.
- Gunawardena, M., Schnitzer, C., Walz, J., and Vuto, J. “Controlling energy flow in the light harvesting complex Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1” Poster, Atomic & Molecular Interactions Gordon Research Conference, Stonehill College, Summer 2012.
- Schnitzer, C., House, P.G., Karr, B. “SERRS and visible extinction spectroscopy of copper chlorophyllin: A physical chemistry experiment” Talk, Advances in Teaching, Division of Chemical Education, ACS National Meeting, Boston, Fall 2010.
- Mooney, S.M., Tyrrell, M.G., Schnitzer, C. “Science at Stonehill College,” Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), The Place and Practice of Science in Contemporary Liberal Education Conference, Fall 2008.
- Dombrowski, E.* and Schnitzer, C. “Studying Metal Complexes Using a Bubble Column” Poster, New England Environmental Research Symposium, Bridgewater State College, Fall 2007.
- Liu, A.* and Schnitzer, C. “Using a Bubble Column to Measure Surface Activity for Wastewater Remediation” Poster, National American Chemical Society (ACS) Meeting, Boston, MA, Fall 2007.
- Liu, A.* and Schnitzer, C. “Studying Surface Tension at the Gas-Liquid Interface Using a Bubble Column” Poster, New England Environmental Research Symposium, Bridgewater State College, Fall 2006.
- Furcolo, P.* and Schnitzer, C. “Determining the Surface Activity of Heavy Metal Complexes Using a Novel Bubble Column” Northeast Student Chemistry Research Conference, Boston, MA, Spring 2002.
- Furcolo, P.* and Schnitzer, C. “Determining the Surface Activity of Heavy Metal Complexes Using a Novel Bubble Column” National ACS Meeting, Orlando, FL, Spring 2002.
- Frazee, K. ’22, Cushing, B. ’22, Gennaro, H. ’23, Moniz, N. ’23, Taft, G., and Schnitzer, C. “Pump-Probe Femtosecond Laser Experiment Meets Project Runway,” ACS Award for Encouraging Women into Careers in the Chemical Sciences in honor of Mindy Levine, Women Chemists Committee, Paper ID: 3690291, American Chemical Society meeting, San Diego, March 21, 2022.
- Sullivan, M. and Schnitzer, C. “Using an auto-correlator to produce second harmonic generation and study the effects of dispersion on femtosecond pulses” Poster, American Chemical Society, Orlando, Spring 2019.
- Desmarais, S., Patel, H., Pacheco, E., Schnitzer, C. “Second harmonic generation production via BBO crystal for artificial photosynthesis” Poster, American Chemical Society, San Diego, Spring 2016.
- Harney, A., Zygiel, E., Crawford, M., Golding, M., Schnitzer, C. “Chemistry as a community: Stonehill College Chemistry and Biochemistry Club” American Chemical Society, San Diego, Spring 2016.
- Fager, D., Morrison, R., MacInnis, A., McAndrews, K., Schnitzer, C. “Tethering community and academic pursuit: A story of success” American Chemical Society, Denver, Spring 2015.
- Fitch, H., Williams, T., Schnitzer, C., Gunawardena, M., Drury, M., Sheeran, J. “Artificial photosynthesis in Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1” American Chemical Society, Dallas, Spring 2014.
- Rebecca M., Vailonis, K.M., Dumas, M.T., VanValkenburgh, D., Bouchard, J., Schnitzer, C. “Generating an equilibrium between scholarship and fellowship: The Stonehill College ACS Student Chapter’ American Chemical Society, Dallas, Spring 2014.
- Murray, S., Sweeney, S. W., Dumas, M., Vailonis, K., Leising, R.M., DeColli, A.A, Chalmers, J.F., Lai, J.K., McCarthy, K.A., Cole, G.Y., Schnitzer, C., Hall, M. “Catalyzing the future of chemistry: The success of the Stonehill College ACS student chapter” American Chemical Society, New Orleans, Spring 2013.
- Karr, B., Schnitzer, C., House, P.G. “Using SERRS and visible extinction spectroscopy to study copper chlorophyllin” Poster, American Chemical Society, Boston, Fall 2010.
- Karr, B., Schnitzer, C., House, P.G. “SERRS and visible extinction spectroscopy of copper chlorophyllin: A physical chemistry experiment” Poster, American Chemical Society, Boston, Fall 2010.
- Jackson, K., Goretti, M., Dombrowski, E., Trieu, H., and Schnitzer, C. “Optimizing the purification of biodiesel” Poster, American Chemical Society, San Francisco, Spring 2010.
- Jackson, K., Goretti, M., Dombrowski, E., Trieu, H., and Schnitzer, “Purification of Biodiesel using a Bubble Column” Poster, New England Environmental Research Symposium, Bridgewater State College, Fall 2009.
- Dombrowski, E., Jackson, K., Trieu, H., and Schnitzer, C. “An Undergraduate’s Perspective on Biodiesel Research” Talk, American Chemical Society, Salt Lake City, Spring 2009.
- Dombrowski, E., Jackson, K., Trieu, H., and Schnitzer, C. “Purifying Biodiesel Using a Bubble Column” Poster, American Chemical Society, Salt Lake City, Spring 2009.
- Jackson, K., Dombrowski, E., Trieu, H., and Schnitzer, C. “Creating a Biodiesel Experiment for Physical Chemistry Students” Poster, American Chemical Society, Salt Lake City, Spring 2009.
- Roderiques, S., Dogal, N., Schnitzer, C., and Hall, M.F. “Revitalization of the Student Affiliates Chapter at Stonehill College” Poster, American Chemical Society, Salt Lake City, Spring 2009.
- Dombrowski, E., Jackson, K., Trieu, H., and Schnitzer, C. “Purifying Biodiesel Using a Bubble Column” Poster, New England Environmental Research Symposium, Bridgewater State College, Fall 2008.
- Dombrowski, E. and Schnitzer, C. “Studying Metal Complexes Using a Bubble Column” Poster, New England Environmental Research Symposium, Bridgewater State College, Fall 2007.
- Liu, A. and Schnitzer, C. “Using a Bubble Column to Measure Surface Activity for Wastewater Remediation” Poster, National ACS Meeting, Boston, MA, Fall 2007.
- Liu, A. and Schnitzer, C. “Studying Surface Tension at the Gas-Liquid Interface Using a Bubble Column” Poster, New England Environmental Research Symposium, Bridgewater State College, Fall 2006.
- Furcolo, P. and Schnitzer, C. “Determining the Surface Activity of Heavy Metal Complexes Using a Novel Bubble Column” Northeast Student Chemistry Research Conference, Boston, MA, Spring 2002.
- Furcolo, P. and Schnitzer, C. “Determining the Surface Activity of Heavy Metal Complexes Using a Novel Bubble Column” National ACS Meeting, Orlando, FL, Spring 2002.
- Furcolo, P. and Schnitzer, C. “Determining the Surface Activity of Heavy Metal Complexes Using a Novel Bubble Column” Clara M. PIKE Undergraduate Research Symposium, Wheaton College, Fall 2001.