Exploitation of Children through Sex and Labor Trafficking: Local and National

The trafficking of children for sex and labor has recently received significant public attention and concern from policy makers. Using data from national and local studies, Dr. Amy Farrell will discuss the vulnerabilities facing youth and 
best practices for identifying and responding to diverse forms of exploitation. Amy Farrell, Ph.D. is a Professor and the Director of the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Northeastern University. Her scholarship seeks to 
understand arrest, adjudication and criminal case disposition practices. Professor Farrell also conducts research on police legitimacy and law enforcement responses to new crimes such as hate crime and human trafficking. Her recent research examines how changes in state human trafficking laws impact the identification and prosecution of human 
trafficking offenders and evaluates the effectiveness of various responses to child trafficking victimization. Professor Farrell has testified about police identification of human trafficking before the U.S. House of Representatives 
Judiciary Committee. Professor Farrell was a co-recipient of NIJ’s W.E.B. DuBois Fellowship on crime justice and culture.