As chair of the Alumni Programming Committee when the pandemic struck, you immediately understood the necessity of switching from in-person to virtual events and doing so as swiftly as possible.  
With the trust and confidence of your peers, you worked closely with the Alumni Office in creating a rich but practical program of virtual events that ensured the continuity of alumni engagement at a time of isolation and anxiety for many people.  
 At that challenging moment, you provided exceptional hands-on leadership—steadfast, wise, diligent, calm, supportive and dedicated. Indeed, these same qualities have defined your 15 years of volunteer service to Stonehill College and, in particular, your tenure as Alumni Council president from 2014 to 2017. 
In that demanding role, you excelled at guiding strategy and direction. At the same time, you also devoted countless hours supporting and encouraging other alumni who were working on events and projects. And you did so in a spirit of joy and togetherness. 
In appreciation of your stellar record of leadership and the passion you have brought to the alumni cause, Stonehill College is proud to present you with the Francis X. Dillon ’70 Alumni Service Award for 2020. 
Given this twenty-third day of March, Two Thousand Twenty-Four