South Area Solomon Schecter Day School

Middle School Advanced Mathematics

Math/Science Fair Information

Teams of students will produce mathematics and science projects that are educational and interactive.

Current List of Teams and Projects

Here are some resources to help you find good ideas for mathematics projects.

The goals are:

    1.  To teach parents and students about mathematics in an entertaining interactive fashion.
    2.  To learn that Math is alive, historical, artistic, and fun.

Instructions for students:

1.   Choose a project from the list below, or suggest one of your own, and find a partner.
2.  Get your project and partnership approved by your advisor.
3.  Start to research your topic.  Keep notes on your work for your final report.
4.  The final research report should include:
Structure of Report

Question - The main topic you are studying.
Hypothesis and/or Historical Context - For science, what do you hope to prove.  For math, where does this problem come from? Who worked on it?  How did knowledge about this problem progress?  What were the people like who worked on it?
Materials - What materials did you use for your experiments and explorations?
Procedure - Describe your experiments and explorations.
Results - What happened? 
Analysis - Explain your results. Did you succeed in proving what you hoped to prove?  Did you learn something unexpected?
Conclusion - What did you learn?  What did you accomplish?  Describe the experience.


December 17
Introduction of fair and projects.
January 5
Finalize partner and project; notification of assigned Advisor.
January 19 
Question, Hypothesis, Materials, and Procedure sections ready for Advisor.
January 26
Advisor approves "go-ahead" with project.
February 23
Results to be handed in and approved by Advisor.
March 5 
Analysis and Conclusion to be handed in and approved by Advisor.
March 12
Abstract to be handed in and approved by Advisor.
March 17
Final draft of report due.  Students given display boards for design.
March 24
Math Fair Presentation.

Here is a list of some particular projects:

We can help with ideas and hints that you will not find anywhere, so don't be shy!

2001 List of Teams and Projects

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