South Area Solomon Schecter Day School

Middle School Advanced Mathematics

List of Teams and Projects for Advanced 6th and 7th Grade

  1. Reuben Aronson -  The Four-Color Theorem
  2. Adam Kieval - Proving Euclid's Triangle Theorem with Comics
  3. Helen Bogen and Ashley Tabroff - Mathematical Card Tricks
  4. Jason Sandler and Evan Gale - Craps, Statistics, and the Mathematics of Gambling
  5. Jacob Ahearn - Odd-Even Nim:  An Original Solution
  6. David Tuteur and Eli Moss - Ellipses and Elliptical Pool Tables
  7. Korei Klein and Lior Haass - Conic Sections
  8. Jonathan Dress and Ari Kriegel - Euler's Theorem and Graph Theory
  9. Eli Feinstein and Aryeh Feinstein - Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio
  10. Keith Summers and Ari Davis - Probability of Carnival Games
  11. Tali Barone and Sarah Werner - Estimations, Counting, and Planning
  12. Eitan Levine and Aaron Chism - Binary Nim and Variations
  13. Jacob Caplain and Jesse Anderson - Mathematics of Polling
  14. Rafi Spitzer and Daniel Glaun - Spherical Geometry and Calculating the Earth's Circumference

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