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To provide faculty, community partners, and students with the resources and opportunities to work together and create mutually beneficial experiences. Eventually, we hope to move from such reciprocal and transactional partnerships to social justice based transformational partnerships. Where learning outcomes and pedagogical strategies critically embrace and blend with community improvement and social change in both campus and community settings.

Our goal is to:

  • Develop, implement, and evaluate systems for increased reciprocity within, and assessment of, community partnerships.
  • Provide overall logistical support for CBLs including student preparation and training, faculty consultations and development workshops, and community partner workshops and needs assessments.
  • Cultivate student leadership in service.
  • Foster a sense of diversity and multicultural education in programming and course development

Case Studies

These two studies helped shape and document the work of the OCBL office:

Duffy Academic Center – 116

The Office of Community-Based Learning allows students to perform service-learning projects or conduct community-based research that not only benefits local needs but is designed collaboratively between community-based organizations as well as faculty and students.