The Healthcare Administration Program at Stonehill College has been recognized by College Factual as the No. 1 place in the country to study medical administration services. Another ranking by the Bachelors Degree Center placed Stonehill in the Top 10 nationwide.

College Factual ranked Stonehill’s program 1st out of 124 schools nationwide. The publication said the following on our program:

Looking for the very best? Look into Stonehill College in order to get an education in [healthcare administration]. Students from the program make 31.5% above the typical college graduate with the same degree.

College Factual says its ranking methodology considers factors such as quality of education, accreditations and the average salary after graduation.

College Factual also ranked Stonehill overall as the 17th best college out of 70 in Massachusetts and placed the College in the top 5 percent for highest paid business, healthcare administration and computer science graduates.

Bachelors Degree Center looked at accredited bachelor of health administration and management programs nationwide to form the “25 Best Bachelor’s in Healthcare Administration Degree Programs” rankings. The publication ranks Stonehill No. 9 and highlights the HCA program’s strong foundation in leadership and managerial skills as well as its focus on healthcare systems and laws.

The research organization describes its mission as helping students find the best educational program to meet their needs. Its methodology equally weights four criteria: reputation, cost, graduate employment and graduation rate.