Good and Gracious God
Known by many names
heard in many voices,
we ask your presence with us on this joyous occasion.

Today we celebrate the accomplishments
of those who receive diplomas
and begin new chapters in their lives.
We ask your blessings upon them.
Make each one mindful, we pray, of what they have accomplished here at Stonehill College and send them forth from here to do great things in the world.

Bless as well those who have supported them in their work—|
in the classroom, at home and on the way:

teachers who have given of themselves in ways that will only be understood with the passage of time.

families who have sacrificed much.

friends who learned from them and taught them
as only peers can.

Make us ever mindful of those on whose shoulders we stand
as well as those who follow in our path.

Even as we celebrate accomplishment and transition, may we ever continue to seek wisdom and make your love known in the world.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.
